Friday, February 19, 2010

Trying to run with the distractions

I've come to expect a certain . . . pattern when it comes to my creative endeavors. Over the years, I've never quite learned how best to avoid this pattern; I've just learned to expect it to rear its ugly distracting head when I feel like I've got a groove going on one or two projects already.

I get distracted with other potential projects.

I've been lucky with Mail Order Zombie. I've been able to keep producing the podcast on a weekly basis for over two years, and even if I have been hit with other project ideas, there's still always a new MOZ every week. There are other podcast ideas that have come and gone since I first dipped my toes in the podosphere, and I even put out one singular episode of something I called Mixtape of the Macabre (which will sadly end up being one of those podcasts that never makes it past the first episode, methinks); I spun MOZ Presents: The Munchies off from Mail Order Zombie, and this has let me branch out a little bit, but new Munchies episodes have been few and far between.

Normally what happens is this: I make some headway on some sort of creative project (more often than not, it's a piece of writing), and then something else will pop up. Eventually, I end up with three, four, five different projects going at once, and I burn out before anything's actually completed. I used to tell myself that it was a good thing that I was "so creative" (yes, I realize how that sounds!), but after a while, I end up finding more frustration that completion. I suppose it's a matter of discipline.

And it worries me that it's happening again.

I've been listening to a lot of audio drama podcasts lately, and damn if I haven't been thinking about what it might be like to produce one of my own. How in the hell is THAT supposed to fit into my 2010 goals? How do I make the time to do something like this where there are still nights when I stay up WAY past my bedtime producing Mail Order Zombie? (Thankfully not as many, but still . . . )

I've got a few ideas, and I think within the next few weeks, I'll be revisiting my 2010 goals and maybe rewriting them. Hey, editing is part of the writing process, right?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Progress Check

I haven't updated here as much as I would have liked, but I HAVE been making progress on the various writing projects I mentioned in the last entry here at House Improbabilia.

  • Goal One - My Paperback Reader is still rolling, and it's still fun!
  • Goal Two - I'm a little behind whatever schedule I was hoping for, but it's still coming, and it's still coming along strong.
Again, a bit vague, right? Trust me, I think y'all would rather I spend more time writing my actual writing projects than a blog post, right?